The intent of Covid-19 donation is to contribute to our brothers and sisters in Ghana who are in need of our support and to support SMEs, who are in different ways supporting the agenda to fight Covid-29 in Ghana. In collaboration with all Local Unions and the Embassy of Ghana, we would like to promote businesses that use basic technology to develop equipments that is being used in the fight against Corona Virus pandemic. We express our sincere gratitude to all who have and continue to donate to this good course. For detail list of donors please click on the following link: COVID-19 – Heart For Ghana UGAG Fundraising_Jun 2020
- Do you want to start businees in Ghana? Ghana Union Hamburg End of Year Get-Together on 25th January, 2020. BE THERE!!!!!!!!!
- UGAG NRC Meeting in Freiburg im Breisgau on 2nd May, 2020
- Ghana Union Mannheim-Ludwigshafen 2oth Anniversary
- UGAG Cultural Festival in Mannheim
It was a great occasion.
UGAG Executive Board Meets The Ambassador H.E Mrs Gina Blay
In November 2017, the Ambassodor H.E Mrs Gina Blay invited the UGAG executive board to her Office in Berlin. As a newly appointed Ambassador, she wanted to meet UGAG to discuss issues arising in the Ghanaian community in Germany.
It was a very open and fruitful discussion. She expressed her desire to work closely with UGAG. Her excellency did not break her promises. She has since attended UGAG´s NRC meeting in Mannheim in May, 2018 and has already confirmed to attend the impending NRC in Worms on the 4th of May, 2019.
UGAG has already sent a petition to the parliament of Ghana, asking for extra ID-cards for Ghanaian born who have naturalised in Germany so that there would not be the need to apply for visa when travelling home. UGAG wants to go the extra mile to ask parliament to take steps to help Ghanaians who want to naturalise in Germany keep their Ghanaian passports. Usually, Ghanaians who want to naturalise in Germany have to give up their Ghanaian citizenship. We feel there are many disadvantages that go with the renunciation. UGAG therefore intends to go round the country to gather signatures from Ghanaians and send them together with a petition to parliament.
Be informed about UGAG
We will keep you posted
Understand the business rules:
Please consult the Ghana Embassy in Berlin for guidelines
Stanvangerstraße 17-18
10439 Berlin
Tel: +49305471490
The Ghana embassy has asked UGAG to help gather contact details of all Ghanaians living in Germany. This will enable the embassy to help when the need arises. For example, in death cases, it will help the embassy to contact and inform family members swiftly in Ghana. Steps are being taken to kick-start this exercise.
Dear country brothers and sisters, let us take this as important for all.