
Annual UGAG Summit

Annual UGAG Summit 1600 900 Aaron


  1. UGAG NRC meeting in Bonn on May 21st, 2022;
  2. 2020 UGAG Cultural Festival will take place and organized with GU Mannheim& Lugwishafen in September 2020;
  3. There is currently WIDU app presentation ongoing by UGAG to all GUs. Organizers are coordinating with Local Union Executives;
  4. Ghana Unions Activities


Remittance to Ghana

Remittance to Ghana 500 749 Johnny

Lecture There will be a lecture on “Remittances to Ghana” on May 4th 2019, during the UGAG NRC meeting. The content of the lecture will be handed over to the delegates present for further discussion at the meetings of the various local Ghana unions.


How to make business in Ghana

How to make business in Ghana 1920 1282 Johnny
Understand the business rules:

Please consult the Ghana Embassy in Berlin for guidelines

Stanvangerstraße 17-18
10439 Berlin
Tel: +49305471490
Website: www.ghanaemberlin.de